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Important points about beard postiche

- Single knotting for body pieces
- Beards often have 2 or more colours

- Beard and moustache must always be separate pieces

- With false beards, you would not go lower than adams apple as it restricts movement

We attempted to whip first with a piece of Tutu material as it is cheaper to practice on. We also used black nylon thread as it is easier to see.

I found this really difficult to begin with. I was able to knot the first hole however I really struggled to understand how to create the continuous running knot.

I eventually got the hang of it however made I made the dart much too small.


This process creates 'darts' in the wig lace which help to fit the beard to the actor/models face.

We then repeated this but with wig lace and clear nylon thread rather than the back thread. I understood the technique by this point and managed to create this dart relatively quickly.

However this time I created the dart too big and instead of being a dart suitable for a beard postiche, it would have been more suited to a wig.

After a lot of frustration, I finally got the hang of whipping.











- Clingfilm under nose, over mouth and around head (with someone holding the clingfilm at the back)


- Cellotape clingfilm


- Use marker to and draw from hairline 


- Draw down to where the adams apple would be

- Under lip check shape 'W' shape varies from person to person.

- Feather edge - do not want hard edge

- Take models

  • Top of side burn to pivot point on jaw (in inches or Cms)

  • Point of jaw to center of chin along jaw line

  • Under side of lip to adams apple (measured to fit face)

I accidentally forgot to mark the adams apple and then went too far downwards under the adams apple. I corrected it as soon as I realised.

- We then cellotaped along the bottom edge and padded from the top using tissue.

- Lace needs to be flat - horizontal line on chin


-  Pin at nose top, left and right ear and both sides of pivot.

- Darts fall under jawline (excess material will need to be trimmed)

- Pin under chin

- Darts fold towards center. 

These are my two finished darts which I feel were sucessful. 



  • Beards often have more than 2 colours in them

  • Beard and moustache postiche should always be separate, allowing for articulation of the jaw


  • With false beards, you would not go lower than the adams apple as it restricts movement

Beard Templates:

  • Cling film over mouth and around head, with someone holding the clingfilm taught at the back of the head

  • Cellotape clingfilm

  • Use marker pen and draw from hairline

  • Draw down to where adams apple would be

  • Check the shape under the lip. Often a 'W' shape but this varies from person to person

  • Feather edge on cheek line as do not want a hard edge

  • A lighter colour could perhaps be used on edge 

  • Take models measurements - Top of side burn to pivot point of jaw - Inches/cms

  • Then remove excess clingfilm which has no cellotape on. Template should hold shape.

This is my practice at a beard template. I initially drew along the jaw line (in the second image) however I realised and drew down near the adams apple instead.

Preparing lace to make beard:

  • Pad block out with cotton wool/toilet roll/kitchen roll - do not dampen the padding as this will create mould.

  • Cellotape along bottom edge and stuff from the top

  • Lace needs to be flat - with lace horizontal on the chin

  • Hammer point into right and left ears. Point at both sides of pivot (hammer point upwards). 

  • Darts fall under the jawline 

  • Point under chin 

  • Darts are folded toward the centre and pinned in place.

  • If the triangular area is too big then create 2 darts instead of 1

This was Sara's demonstration of a Dart.

This was my first attempt at a dart. We were using black nylon thread to begin with as it is easier to see however white thread would usually be used. My dark is a little too small. I struggled to get the hang of 'darting' however eventually managed it. 'Darts' are created by making a running knot along the edge of the dart to create a triangle shape. 

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