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Zuckerman, A. (2008). Wisdom. Harry N. Abrams, Inc.


Andrew Zuckerman's book 'Wisdom' is a brilliant book of references for ageing. Based on the idea that with age comes wisdom, the book is full of portraits taken by Zuckerman showing every wrinkle. 

This portrait of Buzz Alkin, aged approximately 78, shows clearly his crows feet and the lines around his eyes.

Zuckerman, A. (2008). Wisdom. Harry N. Abrams, Inc.

Portrait of actor Alan Arkin aged around 74. I like the fine lines that this portrait shows around the temples. Also a good example of crows feet. The top of his head also shows age spots.

Zuckerman, A. (2008). Wisdom. Harry N. Abrams, Inc.

Madeleine Albright portrait, aged approximately 71. This is a useful resource as it is around the age of which I am focusing my ageing project (60s-70s). Madeleine has large eyebags and prominent jowls.


I love this portrait of artist Andrew Wyeth, aged 90. The folds and creases in his skin are so heavy, his eye bags so sunke, his jowls sagging. His skin is beautifully drooping, with the force of gravity shown on his entire face.

His ears are very large - common with old age as they continue to grow.


Zuckerman, A. (2008). Wisdom. Harry N. Abrams, Inc.


Studying my mums face helps me to envisage how I may potentially age. My mum is 58 and therefore a little younger than the 60s - 70s range that we are focusing on however this images are still very useful. My mum has a lot of wrinkles around her eyes however he forehead is very smooth. She also has nasolabial folds and slight jowls. Her skin in general is not too wrinkled.


She has never smoked and only occasionally drinks. As she has never smoked, the skin around her lips is relatively smooth with only some fine wrinkles around them. I do not smoke and only occasionally drink and therefore I may age in a similar way to her.

My dad is 64 and looks a lot older than my mum. He has more wrinkles on his forehead and around his eyes. He is a smoker, a drinker and is a famer/landscaper and is therefore in the sun a lot.  Exposure to the sun as well as smoking are both known to accelerate the ageing process. 

His nose has a lumpy texture. He also has a lot of bumps under his eyes. 

His pores are also more prominent than my mums, particularly on his forehead. He also has a lot of broken capilaries on his cheeks.


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