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Today we were demonstrated the process of life casting and then practiced this on one another.


We were shown a particualar method although Wayne explained that there were various ways to life cast the face.

Vaseline must be applied to eyebrows and hairline. It is better to ask the model to apply vaseline to their own eyelashes, wiping downwards rather than up. This is to stop them being pulled out when the alginate comes off the face.

2 cups of Alginate + 2 cups of water 

Alginate will not stick to alginate and therfore it is important to apply the alginate to the face quickly before it starts to set. Applying baking powder over the alginate, helps alginate stick better.

Setting times vary from different alginates however the warmer the room is, the quicker it will set. 


There should be at least three people, 2 applying the alginate and one person to check the nose at all times to ensure that it is always uncovered.

It is important to wipe the alginate rather than dabbing it on. Must go into the corner of the eye to avoid air bubbles.

Apply all over the face apart from the nose, constantly talking to model, explaining what you are doing. When it gets to the nose, use a spatular to get around the nose and apply alginate to the septum as shown by Wayne in the picture to the left.


Plaster bandages are used to create a shell to support the alginate once it has set. The alginate will become like jelly once it has set - the bandages can then be applied.

Double pieces of plaster bandage over to make a thicker, more supportive shell. Overlap the pieces of bandage. Go over the whole face apart from the nose area, where small pieces of bandage can be placed however nasal passages should remain clear. Create a rope bandage to go all around the edge of the alginate.

Avoid plaster going in the hair as it is hard remove even with the vaseline in the hairline.


Model should lean forward, holding face but keeping nose clear. 
2 people should pull gently at side of the alginate/plaster with a lollipop stick, model should wiggle face and wrinkle eyes to help remove.

Then block nostrils with small amount of couch roll and place plaster over the nose once filled. 

Leave cast over a bowl so the nose can set with wet paper to stop the alginate from shrinking.

Wayne then filled out cast with plasterline ready for us to sculpt.

I was initially really nervous when doing my first life cast. I panicked a little which I shouldn't have, as I rushed a little too much and generally wanted to get it over as soon as possible. When applying the alginate, we were given some good advice to ensure that the eye area was covered to a point where you could not see the eye area and it almost ran flat from the forehead.

I was much calmer when doing my second life cast as I was not nervous and rushing. Instead I took my time and felt much more confident completing the life cast. 

I felt that we worked well as a team doing this process.











Initially I found the alginate much too runny and could not get it to stay in the areas which I wanted it to. I added more alginate and found it was much easier to use. 

I did not get right into the corner of the eye and I also did not run my fingers over the alginate to check for air bubbles (suggested to do so in Todd Debreceni book). In the future I would be far more conscious of getting rid of as many air bubbles and getting into corner of the eye.

I also forgot to put alginate on the septum and did not put enough around the the bottom of the nose. Although this is not crucial as I do not need to use the nose to sculpt on, I shall ensure that in future I do not make this mistake. 

I found that once the plaster bandage was on and it had set, the alginate was easy to release due to the large amount of vaseline I had used. As my model has a beard, I was worried that the vaseline would not work well enough however it was fine.

The cast had a few air bubbles in it and I was frustrated with myself for forgetting to finish the nose however I felt more confident when doing the life casting than previously. 


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