Avant Garde Hair Sculptures
You can make the hair structure from wires and use a soldering tool to attach the structure.
Rounded shapes are always easier. You always have to pad the hair structure so that it is comfortable for your model You can use their own hair as a cushion.
You have to consider how you are going to attach the hair to the frame. Cover with caul net to help the foundation of the hair so the hair doesn’t collapse. You can always knot into the caul net.
It is really important that the wire frame is symmetrical and a stable structure as it can ruin the final look. You can cornrow the hair so that the frame can be sewn in or you can pin curl the hair and attach tabs to the hair strcture.
You need to thnk about physis and gravity, where is it going to go?
And will the weight weigh the head down?
You have to measure your models head to make sure it fits your model well.
When does the hair sculpture become a hat?
It needs to integrate with their own hair so that it is a hair piece. You can use chicken wire, polystyrene - the thicker you go, with heavier its going to be for someone to wear. Example-ribbon has been wrapped around the wire so that it is easier to attach hair onto