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transformation in film

Fig 1 & 2


The transformation of Depp in Black Mass is incredible. It is subtle and retains the essense of Depp however he is also almost unrecognisable. Before researching what make up was used in his transformation, I have attempted to decipher it myself.

The bright blue contact lenses are very effective in altering his appearance. Another big factor is the wig used - the colour and hairline. His brow appears heavier and his eyebrows thicker & fairer.

This article implies that there was a prsothetic piece covering the forehead down to the bottom of the nose and cheeks. This seems impractical for movement - would think multi pieces would be used.

Fig. 2.1

Fig. 3

In a different article Harlow explains that it took a lot of testing to get the right look. He also discusses the 'density' of the silicone - if it was too thick it would prevent Depp from being expressive. This is a crucial consideration for an actor.

Eyebrows and hairline were hair punched. Salt & Pepper wig then added to the back and blended into the punched hairline.

Side burns were also used to refelct the change in time period over the 20 years the film is based on.

Fig. 4

Depps front tooth has also been painted with tooth enamel to give a 'dead' appearance as well as yellow staining - nice and subtle.

Fig. 5

Fig 6 & 7

The usually narrow faced Cumberbatch also had prosthetics applied, these were used to add weight to his face. Yet again, these pieces are subtle and seamless.



The oscar winning make up by Mark Coulier to transform Meryl Streep into Margaret Thatcher for 'The Iron Lady'. I think this is a brilliant transformaton, as Meryl has not been lost yet Thatcher can be seen. It is not too over the top - not distracting.

Streep has very chiselled cheek bones which were made to look like Thatchers fuller face using cheek appliances.

Coulier worked alongside Streeps personal make up artist J. Roy Helland. “Makeup, powder, lighting, all combine for the younger Thatcher. When we did the older Thatcher, we left all that stuff out.” (fig 10)..

He explains that In middle age, they enhanced Streep’s fine lines and painted in wrinkles with makeup.

Fig. 8

Fig 9.

After spending hours looking at pictures of Thtcher and Meryl, Coulier noted that Meryl had a thin nose bridge. This resulted in a nasal arch being created - this small and subtle,  yet very effective piece. The photograph to the right shows a collection of these nose pieces which were kept for colour matching referencing.

Coulier explained ' it’s a fine line between illusion and distraction, particularly with a famous face' (fig. 10). Coulier picked out the key features  of Thatcher however decided against re-creating her hooded eyes - “Margaret Thatcher has these distinct hooded eyelids,” he says. “We played around with the idea and it worked, but we just decided that we didn’t need it…. I thought back to other films. Will Smith played Muhammad Ali really effectively and he looked nothing like Muhammad Ali. Anthony Hopkins played Nixon. If you can rely on the performance, you don’t have to go down that route.” (fig.10)

It is interesting that Coulier decided against using the hooded eyelids however this perhaps prevented the make up from being too much & losing Meryl within it.

Dentures were also used to create the over-bite that Thatcher had.

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Fig. 10 & 11

These were the sculpts created by Barrie Hower to create the old Thatcher. For this sculpt, Gower focused on the assymetrical nasal labial folds, full cheeks and wattle lines. I think the texturing and sculpting of these pieces is exquisite.


Clint Eastwoods biopic of FBI director J. Edgar Hoover's career - played by Leonardo Dicaprio. Di Caprio wears heavy old age make up which has been heavily critcized y some. A particularly scathing review by Vanity Fair  writer Bruce Handy describes the effects as 'grotesque age makeup, which gives him sagging jowls and a cheese-rind complexion. (Age makeup has long been one of cinema’s greatest curses.' (Handy,  2011)  fig. 13

He later described Di Caprio as being 'buried'. He then comments on Di Caprio's co star Armie Hammer, who plays Clyde - (another old age make up) as 'looking like a burn victim'. He continues to suggest that the make up strained his perfomance and he got the sense that he was trying not to move his lips too much.


I feel that this make up is too heavy and is quite distracting. Particuarly as Di Caprio is famed for his baby face - I think amore subtle approach would have been more effective. I also think that the ears do not look as old as the rest of the make up - does not look like there has been an appliance used.

Fig. 14

Fig. 15 & 16

THE HOURS (2002)

Fig 17.

Nicole Kidman plays Virginia Woolf in the film The Hours where she wears a prosthetic knows to make her nose look bigger. The actress is almost unrecognisable with brown hair, no make up and a much bigger nose. 

I think this is really effective in changing the appearance of Kidman. Noses are also notoriously hard to do well as they are in the center of a persons face.

This make up was criticised as being distracting by many including Richard Shnickel from Time who claimed " finds oneself focusing excessively on the unfortunate prosthetic nose Kidman affects in order to look more like the novelist.' (fig. 19)

Fig. 18.


Fig. 20


Fig. 20.

The transformation of Charlize Theron into Mouros is almost unbelievable. Theron is a beautiful woman and her 'makeunder' to look like Aileen is incredible. It seems almost impossible to me that prosthetics were not used, however I find this interesting as it shows what can be achieved by only slightly changing someones face. In this case, Theron wore dentures which changed the shape of her mouth. Her eyebrows are also barely visible, I think this is crucial to he transformation as eyebrows frame the face. Her barely there brows make her face look odd and far lesss attractive.

Fig. 20.1

Dick Smith - Hal Holbrook as Lincoln

Fig. 20.2


Black Mass was a compromise between make up designer Joel Harlow, Johnny Depp and Director SCott Cooper. Depp wanted a full transformation whereas Cooper & Warner Bros wanted to see more of Depp -less Bulger.

Johnny is various ages during the film - 40, 50, 68 and 83 year old Bulger.

Harlow sculpted five versions of the make up and tested them all before finding the right balance. The first few tests were heavier and as they evolved, more of Depps features were revealed until they found the right balance.

For the 83 year old bulger, Harlow created a 12-piece old age make up including -

40 year old Bulger was created using  a bald cap appliance, a silicone face wrap and a shaved head, all with punched hair. I am not sure what a silicone face wrap is - will try and find out.

Collapsible core used to mould in epoxy and ran in Platsi gel 10 silicone.

I found it interesting that the forehead piece goes down around the eyes as I would not have realised this. The edge of this piece is hidden in the eye area - cannot be seen at all.

The eyebrows are styled on the piece, pointing upwards - I would guess they are punched in this direction - I will look into this.

The make up on Cumberbatch and Harbout is so subtle, with Harbout gven subtle ageing and Cmberbatch given fuller cheeks.

Fig. 20.3

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