Semiotics - The Cosmetic Advert
The semiotics in advertising are used to target specific markets.
To analyse advertisements, you need to look at the signs and the visual messages conveyed within them.
White glowing angelic light behind her, beautiful
Gold and glitter eludes wealth and luxury
Skin is smooth and flawless, it is also gold continuing with the theme of luxury
- She appears to be glowing like a goddess, the neckpiece is the same as the neck of the bottle.
- Her stance and body also look similar to the bottle.
Ferdinand de Saussure: “It is… possible to conceive of a science which studies the role of signs as a part of social life. It would form a part of social psychology j’adore Dior advert. she appears as a glowing golden goddess, the neckpiece is the same as the neck of the bottle, sequins, stance. What are they conveying in the image? Power, wealth, luxury, decadence, confident, beautiful, angelic white light behind her
L’Enfant (1986) Spencer Rowell
Most popular poster of all time.
Sold mainly to young women, the appeal is the paternal devotion combined with the raw stud like mal.
This advertisement was used to promote the Tom ford Cosmetic line
Young, caucasian, blond, beautiful, sex and health are used to sell. Male sporting stubble, raw, masculine look which contrasts with soft female.
There is a controlling aspect, the way she is looking straight into the camera, but his hand is resting on her neck. Their close contact symbolises sexual tension
The lips match the fingernails to tie the whole thing together
The eyes are painted with green, the colour of envy and jealousy, also of money and wealth. it is supposed to make you think she has it and you want it.
The lips are bold and the colour red represents, love, lust, anger
The centre of her face is the focus of the advert, and is illuminated to add impact.