David Malinwinksi has been hair punching since 1998 and it is considered his speciality. He has a very impressive credit list - working on films such as Fuy, World War Z, X-Men.
Fig.. 77.
I am very inspired by the work of David Malinwinkski and decided to email him to ask if he could offer me any work experience as his workshop is only 20 minutes away from where I live. If he is unable to offer me work experience, I am hopeful that I may be able to pop in and ask him so research questions as I am planning to use hair punching a lot in this project.
The hair punching on this baby is so delicate - it is beautiful. The hair is so light and fine, it loks incredibly realistic.
I love this eyebrow - I love the direction of the hairs and how realistic it looks. It is such a great shape, it is hard to believe that is is hair punched.
Exqusite hair punching work on this piece for Millenium Fx. Malowinksi used Squirrel hair to create the brows for this hyper realstic bust. He tries to use human hair/yak hair where possible as it is easier to 'process'.
He has used platinum silicone rather than tinsil and explained that you cannot get transluencent tin silicone above 25 shore. He used 40 shore platnium. Explains that tin would break down quicker, platinum increases life of final piece.
I have some questions about this which I will research further. Why does he want a hard silicone - what are the benefits? Would he use a hard silicone if it was a make up? Does it make it easier to punch if the silicone is harder?
There are further questions I woul like to ask if I have the chance to interview David such as -
How do you prepare the hair prior to punching? Do you use oil when punching to dip your needle in every few hairs? When do you cut the hairs? What are your tips for using squirrel hair?
Fig. 78
Fig. 79
Fig. 80
I referred back to my notes from the 'Wig making and styling book' when creating my eyebrows. I needed to refrsh my memroy on postiche - this page was very useful.